What is the Open Integrity Index?

The Open Integrity Index enables users to make sophisticated decisions about the tools they use for privacy and communications, without requiring a high-level security engineering background.

OII has several distinct objectives, including: - Enabling users to make educated decisions about the tools they use and the ways in which they expose their personal information. - Establishing a platform for the results of independent audits to be made accessible to a general audience. - Providing a resource for other platforms, such as application markets, to integrate digital security into the decision-making process of installing software. - Improving access to material on digital security principles in languages other than English. - Promoting stronger awareness on fundamental precepts of privacy by design in the development of communications tools. - Encouraging stronger relationships between developers and their communities of users.

Open Integrity Index

The Open Integrity Index enables users to make sophisticated decisions about the tools they use for privacy and communications, without requiring a high-level security engineering background.

  • Date: 2013-04-01 -
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